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· Peidro, S., “When violence restores semblance”. In the 2nd Symposium of the Family Studies department of the School of Lacanian orientation. Buenos Aires, 2009.

· Peidro, S., “Between shame and shameless, the singularity”. In Symposium for junior psychiatrists and psychologists from the Mental Hospital Braulio Moyano. Buenos Aires, 2010.

· Peidro, S., “Efficiency of Psychoanalysis: loving and working?” In the 5th Latin American meeting and 17th International meeting of the Freudian field. Rio de Janeiro, 2010.

· Peidro, S., “From the animal courtship ritual to the serial rape”. In the 20th National groups symposium of the School of Lacanian orientation. Buenos Aires, 2011.


· Peidro, S., “The names of sex in Lacanian’s sexuation”. In the 3rd International Research Congress and professional practice in Psychology, 18th Investigation Symposium of the School of Psychology (UBA) and 6th Psychology researchers meeting of MERCOSUR. Buenos Aires, 2011.

· Peidro, S., “Gay culture comes out of the closet: a public theat”. In the 4th Symposium of the Family Studies department of the School of Lacanian orientation. Buenos Aires, 2011.

· Peidro, S. & Recalde, J., “Demystifying the real dimension of the body”. In the 4th International Research Congress and professional practice in Psychology. 19th Investigation Symposium of the School of Psychology (UBA) and 8th Psychology researchers meeting of MERCOSUR. Buenos Aires, 2012.


· Peidro, S., “Love and Juissance in the film A year without love”. In Series of Conferences about Films and Mental Hospital José T. Borda. Buenos Aires, 2012.

· Peidro, S., “The real of the sex”. In the 1st Symposium for junior psychiatrists and psychologists from the Mental Health Center Nº3 of the City of Buenos Aires, 2012.


· Peidro, S., “The master`s discourse and the non-hegemonic sexualities”. In the 4th International Research Congress and professional practice in Psychology. 19th Investigation Symposium of the School of Psychology (UBA) and 8th Psychology researchers meeting of MERCOSUR, Buenos Aires, 2012.


· Peidro, S. & Louison, D. “Reflections on identification and sexual identities”. In the 5th International Research Congress and professional practice in Psychology. 20th Investigation Symposium of the School of Psychology (UBA) and 9th Psychology researchers meeting of MERCOSUR. Buenos Aires, 2012.

· Peidro, S. & Lo Carmine, J., “Queer Oedipus”. In the 5th Symposium of the Family Studies department of the School of Lacanian orientation. Buenos Aires, 2012.


· Peidro, S. & Lo Carmine, J., “The mistery of Freudian’s sexual dispositions”. In the 5th Symposium of the Family Studies department of the School of Lacanian orientation. Buenos Aires, 2012.

· Peidro, S. & Mazú, M., “Psychoanalysis and heternonormativity”. In the 19th Symposium of Junior Psychologists and Psychiatrists of the City of Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires, 2012.

· Peidro, S. & Recalde, J., “Jouissance fixation and time”. In the 19th Symposium of Junior Psychologists and Psychiatrists of the City of Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires, 2012.

· Peidro, S. & La Tessa, M., “Chiaroscuro of an homo desire”. In the ALS Symposium Latin America and the International Meeting of the School of the Lacanian field forums, Buenos Aires, 2013.

· Peidro, S., “Homosocial relationships in televisión and courlty love”. In the 1st Symposium of the subject New Presences of sexuality: Perspectives on the construction of sexual difference of the Psychology School (UBA) Buenos Aires, 2013.

· Peidro, S., “Observations on the film Me girl, me princess”. In the 2nd Symposium for junior professionals in mental health of the Mental Hospital José T. Borda. Buenos Aires, 2014.

· Peidro, S., “Transgender children”.In the 6th International Research Congress and professional practice in Psychology. 21th Investigation Symposium of the School of Psychology (UBA) and 10th Psychology researchers meeting of MERCOSUR. Buenos Aires, 2014.


· Peidro, S., “Trans experience of a 5 years old girl”. In the 7th Symposiumof the Family Studies department of the School of Lacanian orientation. Buenos Aires, 2014.

· Peidro, S., “Sexuation in childhood”. In Internal meeting of the subject Evolutionary Psychology (Adolescence) of the School of Psychology of the University of Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires, 2015.

· Peidro, S. “Fear of the queer child”. In the 3rd IIISymposium of the subject New Presences of sexuality: Perspectives on the construction of sexual difference of the Psychology School (UBA). Buenos Aires, 2013.

· Peidro, S. “Sexual diversity and psychoanalysis. Inclusion, segregation or marketing? In the 8th International Research Congress and professional practice in Psychology, 23rd Investigation Symposium of the School of Psychology (UBA) and 12th Psychology researchers meeting of MERCOSUR. Buenos Aires, 2016.

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